At The Snuglies we believe that  schools have a great power for change, not only in the children, but in the environment and in the society of tomorrow. For years, many centers have completely transformed their methodology to adapt different forms of teaching with a model that focuses learning on the interests of the individual. Beyond mathematics or language (which also) they teach emotional education, problem solving, teamwork or environmental awareness.

Choose a kit

Bears, foxes, chicks, chickens, a dog... choose the Snuglie you like the most to crochet in the workshop!


Crochet hook, yarn, eyes, stuffing... we bring you the kits with everything you need to learn to crochet your Snuglie.

workshop day

In the workshop we will teach you the basic crochet stitches step by step and we will crochet the Snuglie that you have selected.

Through our projects we encourage snugliers their curiosity and creativity by providing tools that will help them on a daily basis. The interdisciplinary approach of project-based learning helps to understand that all areas are necessary, also developing personal skills that we know are tremendously necessary in today’s society. We are all working through our kits under an integrative lens of the individual and real life insights to train future generations.
Crocheting is an activity that promotes many both mental and physical abilities in children. For them it is more of a game than a challenge, so they are predisposed not only to learn but also to have fun crocheting, which will help them to concentrate, to focus on a goal, and all this while still having fun!

Psychomotor development

It helps to develop fine psychomotor skills, that is, those in which it is necessary to manipulate the upper extremities, and more specifically the fingers. In addition, they train hand-eye coordination.

Increases patience

It helps to work on calm and patience, especially when you don’t start well and have to undo and start again. In any case, it will pay them off when they see the finished task.

Encourages creativity

Children, by nature, are creative beings without fear of experimenting. Many of their creations can be true works of nonsense art, something that will be fun for them and, above all, will give them enough confidence to feel like a true artist.

Improves concentration

Crocheting requires a special concentration in which you have to coordinate a series of manual steps, intertwining the different threads, with the mental reflection of counting the stitches so as not to get lost in the work. In this way it helps them to be concentrated and with their attention focused solely on the work they are doing at the moment.

They achieve real goals

As you crochet you will be able to see how your work is growing little by little, and that is thanks to your patience and tenacity. Once they finish crocheting, the satisfaction is totally complete, especially because they have managed to complete something on their own, which gives them an extra layer of security and self-confidence.

Improves relationships with others

Crocheting improves family and social ties in all aspects, whether it is done with other partners or if it is shared with the family. Generally, there is always a more advanced sector that helps and teaches newbies. This makes relationships grow closer, while talking in a relaxed and relaxed way while weaving.

Promotes memory

Along with concentration and patience, memory is another of the fundamental pillars for the work to be perfect. When crocheting it is necessary to follow a pattern, a guide that generally consists of counting stitches.

Improve mathematics

While crocheting they greatly improve their mathematical skills. The technique for crocheting is based on measurements and counting points, to crochet an amigurumi you must perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.

Increases happiness

Crocheting generates happiness, increases self-esteem, a feeling of well-being, and practicing it changes your mood. Like any creative activity, it feeds both the imagination, the artistic side, as well as the practical side and the concept of “a job well done.”

When crocheting they are exercising their brain coordination, learning to manage a lot of non-verbal information in a single act, from the texture of the fiber, its colors, the smell… to the handling of the needles or the compression of a pattern or work. All this information will “force” them to concentrate and/or learn to do so, in this way they will without realizing it reduce stress and anxiety, giving them a feeling of peace and well-being. Turning it into a habit, they themselves will look for it in the not too distant future, transforming it into a hobby.

If you want us to hold a workshop at your school or institute, or you want us to send you more information, please fill out the form below and we will be happy to talk to you and answer any questions you may have.

We would love to meet you!